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From novice to professional: everything you need to know about front end developer courses in the UK

Written by James Adams

Front end developer courses in the UK

So you're thinking of becoming a front end developer? Great choice! But where do you start? This article will outline everything you need to know about front end developer courses in the UK. We'll explain what you will learn, why it's essential to learn the basics of front and back-end development, and why learning front end development is an excellent career choice. Plus, we'll introduce you to Next.JS and Tailwind - two remarkable front-end frameworks that will help you build beautiful, responsive websites.

In this article, we will cover a number of areas and topics that outline everything you need to know about front end developer courses in the UK, and why you may be interested in taking one.

  • What is a front end developer and what do they do?
  • What skills will you learn in a front end developer course in the UK?
  • Why is it important to learn the basics of front and back end development?
  • What are Next.JS and Tailwind, and why are they good frameworks to use in front-end web development?
  • Why learning front end development is an excellent career choice .
  • How much you can earn as a front-end web developer.
  • What types of jobs can starting a career as a front end developer lead to?

What is a front end developer and what do they do?

Front end developers are responsible for the look, feel, and functionality of websites. They work with designers and back-end developers to create beautiful, responsive websites that function well across different devices and browsers. front end developers at the very least must have a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Whilst a front end developer may be working on a specific page, or web application, many front end developers get their break working in website design and development.

Designing and building a website can be a complex process, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. In order to design and build a website, it will usually start with the outline. When designing a website, it's important to start with a wireframe or mockup. This is basically a blueprint or plan of what the website will look like. Your colleagues will have approval from your client before starting to code the website. Once the design is approved, the front end developer will start coding the website using their chosen framework(s).

After building each of the components, checking the copy and the site adheres to the design, the front end developer will have to test the website on different devices and browsers to make sure that it looks and functions correctly on all of them. You can use services like Browserstack to do this.

What skills will you learn in a front end developer course in the UK?

The UK is home to some of the best coding schools in the world and offers a range of courses to suit all levels of experience. If you're a beginner, there are plenty of introductory courses that will teach you the basics of coding, we recommend starting with a coding taster session where you can learn to build a web page in a day, before moving onto something more advanced such as our MERN Stack Coding Bootcamp. If you're already a proficient coder, there are also plenty of advanced courses available that will help you to develop your skillset. We are currently welcoming people to register interest in our Next.JS course.

Of course, in any front end developer course, you are going to be learning basic coding languages. You will invariably end up learning HTML, CSS and Javascript.

HTML is the basic building block of the web. It's a markup language that is used to create websites. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style HTML elements, giving them different looks and feels. JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create dynamic websites.

In order to be a front end developer, you need to have strong problem-solving skills. This means being able to identify and fix bugs in code. As part of any good front end developer course, code reviews will help you to identify issues, bugs or areas for improvement, but importantly, teach you the process to identify and solve problems within your code, within a code review.

A code review is a process where front end developers (usually from the same team, or as a senior/junior team) take a look at each other's code. There is an opportunity to improve the code or undertake pair programming, another important part of any front end developer course.

Pair programming is a collaborative programming technique where two programmers work together on the same code. One programmer, known as the driver, writes code while the other, known as the observer, looks on and offers suggestions. Pair programming can be a very effective way to learn and to catch mistakes.

More advanced courses will teach you how to use advanced front-end languages and frameworks like React, Next.JS or Tailwind to create beautiful, responsive websites. These frameworks make it easy for front-end developers to build complex websites without having to write a lot of code.

Why is it important to learn the basics of front and back end development?

It's important for front end developers to understand the basics of front and back end development because most projects require collaboration between designers, front-end developers, and back-end developers. If you understand the basics of both front and back end development, you'll be able to communicate more effectively with other members of your team, which will result in better-quality outcomes. It also helps to solidify basic knowledge, especially when dealing with languages like JavaScript.

What are Next.JS and Tailwind, and why are they good frameworks to use in front-end web development?

Next.JS is a JavaScript framework that helps you build websites using React. It makes it easy for front-end developers to create dynamic websites without having to write a lot of code. Next.JS is a powerful JavaScript framework that makes it easy for front-end developers to create dynamic websites without having to write a lot of code. Some of the world's biggest companies, like Facebook, Twitter and Airbnb, are using Next.JS in their website design.

The use of Tailwind in front end development is on the rise. More and more front-end developers are using Tailwind to create beautiful, responsive websites. This is because Tailwind makes it easy for front-end developers to create websites that look great on all devices. It's also a powerful CSS framework that helps front-end developers to create dynamic websites without having to write a lot of code. Like Next.JS, Facebook, Twitter and Airbnb, are using Tailwind in their website design.

As a front end developer, it's important to start with the basics. This means learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These languages are fundamental to front end development and will help you to create beautiful, responsive websites.

We believe it is such a good idea to learn more advanced front-end languages and frameworks like React, Next.JS andTailwind that we will be offering Next.JS as a front end developer course in the UK soon. You can register your interest in this course by contacting us, however we strongly recommend you start with a full-stack coding bootcamp first, to truly understand the fundamentals of software development before diving into specialising in front end development.

Why learning front end development is an excellent career choice .

The demand for software developers in the UK is on the rise and shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, recent reports suggest that the demand for software developers is set to grow by 20% in the next few years. This means that now is an excellent time to become a software developer.

One of the great things about being a software developer is that there are always new challenges to take on and new technologies to learn. As technology evolves, so does the role of the software developer. In today's world, front-end development is becoming increasingly important and front-end developers are in high demand.

So, if you're thinking about becoming a front-end developer, now is definitely the time to do it! The UK has some of the best coding schools in the world and front-end development is a career that is sure to stay in high demand.

How much you can earn as a front-end web developer in the UK?

The average salary for a front-end web developer in the UK is around £35,000 per year. However, front-end developers with more experience and skills can earn up to £50,000 per year. So, if you're thinking about becoming a front-end developer, now is definitely the time to look into it.

What types of jobs can starting a career as a front end developer lead to?

As a front-end developer, you can work in a variety of roles, including web developer, front-end engineer, front-end designer and user interface developer. As you progress in your career, you can progress to being a senior developer.

As a front-end developer, you can work in a variety of roles, including web developer, front-end engineer, front-end designer and user interface developer. As you progress in your career, you can progress to being a senior developer.

Senior developers have a number of responsibilities when it comes to mentoring and developing junior developers. A senior developer will need to be able to provide support and guidance to junior developers, helping them to overcome any challenges they may face while learning new technologies. They will lead code reviews and support with pair programming. They will also have a lot of real-world experience in problem-solving, which they can pass on.

As you continue as a front-end developer, you can progress in your career to more senior roles such as senior developer, lead developer or even CTO.

Lead developers are responsible for the technical direction of a project. They work with the team to come up with innovative solutions to problems and oversee the implementation of these solutions.

CTO (Chief Technology Officer) is one of the most senior positions a developer can reach in their career. A CTO is responsible for all aspects of technology within an organisation and oversees everything from product development to IT strategy.

Now that you know a bit more about front end development courses in the UK, we hope you're feeling excited and motivated to start learning! As one of the most in-demand careers in the country, front end development offers plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement. Wiith salaries averaging in at £35,000 per year, it's also a great way to make a good living. So what are you waiting for? Whilst we have a few front end developer courses, we recommend you get started with our introduction to coding one day course.

About the Author

James has 8 years with Fortune 200 US firm ITW, experience of managing projects in China, USA, and throughout Europe. James has worked with companies such as Tesco, Vauxhall, ITW, Serco, McDonalds. James has experience in supporting start-up and scale up companies such as Readingmate, Gorilla Juice and Harvest London. James completed his MBA at the University of East Anglia in 2018.

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