Information, advice and guidance (IAG) strategy
This strategy will outline how Tech Educators will plan, deliver and evaluate the provision of educational advice and information to adults enquiring or enrolled onto one of our tech skills bootcamps.
What is IAG?
Information means the provision of information on learning, training and work, without any discussion about the relative merits of the options through:
- Printed materials such as leaflets and posters;
- Audio-visual materials via the internet, Tech Educators website and social media channels;
- Verbal information on a face-to-face basis through local centres or via telephone or live online events;
- Verbal and audio-visual information via online learning platforms.
What is the purpose of information and advice provision?
To ensure that adults are supported to make informed decisions which enable them to engage in appropriate learning programmes, complete the intended learning outcomes and achieve personal learning goals.
Advice and information will be impartial and will signpost individuals to wider guidance services, such as careers guidance and other education and training providers who are better placed to meet their needs.
Our foundation for planning and delivery of IAG
Tech Educators Values
- Act with integrity; we understand that our approach is not the right one for every learner and we will always seek to ensure the correct steps for each student are taken
- Passionate about improving lives through learning and code
- Inspire and empower people to reach their full potential
- Use innovative, tech based solutions to deliver these values
Principles of Coherent IAG Service Delivery
- Accessible and Visible: IAG services should be recognised and trusted by our potential students, have convenient entry points from which potential students may be signposted or referred to the services they need, and be open at time and in places which suits potential students' needs.
- Professional and Knowledgeable: IAG frontline staff should have the skills and knowledge to identify quickly and effectively the potential students needs. They should have the skills and knowledge either to address the potential students needs or to signpost or to refer them to suitable alternative provision.
- Availability, Quality and Delivery: IAG services should be targeted at the needs of the clients, and be informed by social and economic priorities at local, regional and national levels.
- Diversity: The range of IAG services should reflect the diversity of clients' needs.
- Impartial: IAG services should support clients to make informed decisions about learning and work based on the potential students needs and circumstances.
- Responsive: IAG services should reflect clients & present and future needs.
- Friendly and Welcoming: IAG services should encourage clients to engage successfully with the service.
- Enabling: IAG services should encourage and support clients to become lifelong learners by enabling them to access and use information to plan their careers, supporting clients to explore the implication for both learning and work in their future career plans.
- Awareness: Adults should be aware of the IAG services that are relevant to them, and have well informed expectations of those services.
Tech Educators Disability and Inclusion Principles
Our IAG service will always be learner centred and will address equality and promote diversity. Information and advice giving will take account of the requirements of individuals who use alternative forms of communication and Tech Educators will use a range of methods to help adults be better informed about learning opportunities.
Our Strategy
The key aims of our strategy are:
- To provide all learners and potential learners, with clear information and advice, including signposting to formal guidance that empowers them to make informed choices about their learning within and beyond the service.
- To ensure that the provision of information and advice is in line with Tech Educators's Disability and Inclusion Principles.
- To enable staff to support learners in achieving agreed learning outcomes and personal learning goals.
- To help learners plan their future learning to support their personal and work aspirations.
Our objectives and target activity
Learners and potential learners receive clear, accurate, up to date, accessible and impartial information before committing to a course
Target activity:
We will ensure that all learners are aware of their options through our tech skills bootcamp taster session of the learning they can do at self paced, remote and other resources that provide an effective opportunity for a career into tech.
Highlight the options available to them outside of code, especially around government boot camps available in other sectors that aren't code.
Who will do what?
Admissions team will ensure that the bootcamp taster session material, delivered prior to engaging on a course, is up to date and outlines other options available for funded courses outside of our bootcamps and other avenues to learn for self paced courses.
When to start and how often?
Our bootcamp taster sessions are delivered currently including this information..
We review our course material for bootcamp taster sessions on a quarterly basis to ensure this is up to date.
Tech Educators provides learners with appropriate opportunities to discuss how a proposed course meets their needs.
Target activity:
Group and individual outline to all learners prior to beginning the bootcamp, to ensure they understand the requirements and how it meets their requirements.
Who will do what?
- At delivery of the taster session, requirements for funded spaces are outlined as well as the support they will receive throughout the course.
- The admissions team will provide each student a code of co-operation which outlines the expectations for students when engaging on the course and how to engage with the course and Tech Educators team throughout the course.
- Students are provided a copy of the bootcamp taster session materials, post completion of the taster session, which outlines the course structure and learning outcomes, as well as job opportunities.
When to start and how often?
Currently ongoing
Completed at every bootcamp taster session and as student enters our onboarding process
Reviewed in line with bootcamp taster session reviews
Learners can be confident that their personal information will be dealt with in accordance with our privacy policy.
Target activity:
Data Protection Policy is up to date and staff are made aware of their duties under GDPR.
Who will do what?
- On onboarding, an Administrator will ensure that all new hires undergo Data Protection and GDPR training.
- Data Protection and GDPR training for all staff is kept up to date in line with latest guidance.
- Senior Management Team ensures our Privacy Policy is reviewed at least annually.
When to start and how often?
To ensure that all staff are aware of and are supported in meeting the standard of information, advice and guidance required to meet the Matrix standard; Education Inspection Framework (OFSTED) DCC customer service standard and national IAG board principles.
Target activity:
Continue to provide opportunities for staff to increase awareness and gain support in meeting standards through communications via training, senior management Q&A, line management support and CPD opportunities.
Add annual training session Matrix standard; Education Inspection Framework (OFSTED) DCC customer service standard and national IAG board principles.
Who will do what?
- Senior Management Team to deliver staff training events on requirements for Matrix standard; Education Inspection Framework (OFSTED) DCC customer service standard and national IAG board principles.
- All staff to attend and understand their responsibilities in line with the Matrix standard; Education Inspection Framework (OFSTED) DCC customer service standard and national IAG board principles.
- All staff sign off on their training records annually an understanding and adherence to the Matrix standard; Education Inspection Framework (OFSTED) DCC customer service standard and national IAG board principles.
When to start and how often?
Starting Q1 2024
Training programmes will be given annually and at time of onboarding
Training records to be updated accordingly