Software Development Taster Session
Take your first step into a career in tech.
Our 3 hour taster session is the perfect way to find out if a career in tech is for you. Whether you are funding a career in tech yourself, or you are being funded by one of our council partners, this is the way to find out if a career in the industry is for you.
We promise to make the day as enjoyable and fun as we can and by the end of the day you will have built your very own web page that you can show your friends. It's also a great project to look back on, if you complete the full course to see how far you will have come.

Since starting the course, I no longer feel worried about my progress, I'm learning new things every day and am surprised at just how much I know already. Tech Ed teaches you to have a growth mindset, which I now apply to everything in my life, work environment or not.
Leanna Lucas
Software Developer, Aviva
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Coding Bootcamp Taster Session Frequently Asked Questions
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