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Tech Educators Listed on UK Register of Learning Providers

Written by James Adams

Tech Educators UKRLP registration on the government website

Whist Tim is off and about talking about web3 bootcamps and supporting people through Scholarships, it is up to me to come and get the real fun stuff hey. Maybe not fun, but certainly important.

In order to offer the quality and standard of education that is expected of us and we want to deliver, we are doing things the right way. One of those right way things is to be registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, which we are now. You can go check it out if you are that way inclined.

For us, this is a commitment to our standards of education. For the red tape lot, it means we are compliant, for you. Well, it depends on where you sit. Anyway, have a lovely day. Thanks for checking it out and next time I will hopefully get to update on something even more awesome, like setting up a MetaMask wallet. Now there we can have some fun.


About the Author

James has 8 years with Fortune 200 US firm ITW, experience of managing projects in China, USA, and throughout Europe. James has worked with companies such as Tesco, Vauxhall, ITW, Serco, McDonalds. James has experience in supporting start-up and scale up companies such as Readingmate, Gorilla Juice and Harvest London. James completed his MBA at the University of East Anglia in 2018.

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