Here it is again, come join us for the Tech Educators Demo Day and Graduation at FUEL Studios in Norwich.
We will kick off at 15:00 with an intro from James Adams on Tech Educators about what we do and what we stand for. Followed by a short talk from one of our Course Directors, Tim and Varma, about the students presenting. It will then go on to our students to showcase their portfolios, including their incredible final projects.
With a total of 8 graduates presenting their final projects, it will be a great chance to celebrate the work that has been achieved to date, with some Pizza and drinks and a chance to network with some of the Norfolk Tech community afterwards, we look forward to seeing you there and sharing in their success.
Make sure you sign up for the event here, so we can ensure that there is enough food, drink, pizza and chairs for you on this one. It is going to get busy.
About the Author
James has 8 years with Fortune 200 US firm ITW, experience of managing projects in China, USA, and throughout Europe. James has worked with companies such as Tesco, Vauxhall, ITW, Serco, McDonalds. James has experience in supporting start-up and scale up companies such as Readingmate, Gorilla Juice and Harvest London. James completed his MBA at the University of East Anglia in 2018.