Putting back into the community is part of the core principles for both ETHAnglia and Tech Educators Ltd. That is why we are so thrilled to announce our fist Scholarships being funded by one of our generous sponsors. This is someone who has been in the web3 community for years, and has so much insight to offer!
With this support we are able to offer a full 0 to web3 scholarship!
This scholarship will take people from diverse backgrounds with potentially no coding experience through the entire Code Fellows Full Stack MERN bootcamp, taught by Tech Educators and then straight on to the ChainShot solidity bootcamp, again provided by Tech Educators.
The Full Stack course starts 16th May and runs until 15th August, and the web3 bootcamp runs from 22nd August until 19th September.
The student on this scholarship will be fully immersed in these in person courses, and we have people ready to support them during the course to ensure their positive mental health is well looked after. Beyond the courses we have devs with years of experience in industry ready to support them and help them find a roll in web3!
This is where you come in!
We are looking to speak to hiring companies who would be interested in paying it forward, and growing the dev community in the East of England.
We are also searching for potential sponsors to ramp this up, and get more people who would otherwise not be afforded this opportunity through the bootcamps on a fully funded scholarship!
If you are interested in being on this course, you can apply here!
About the Author
Tim is the course director at Tech Educators and brings with him almost a decade of experience working in various tech sectors, as well as the added benefit of being an alumni to a Full Stack Bootcamp.