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Full Stack Developer Courses in the UK: Which One is Right for You?

Written by James Adams

Full Stack Developer Courses in the UK: Which One is Right for You?

So you want to be a full stack developer? Great choice! But with so many full stack developer courses available in the UK, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. In this article, we will outline the different types of full stack developer courses available and help you decide which one is right for you. We'll also provide information on how to choose a course and what to expect from full stack developer training. You can sign up for our coding taster session, which can be taken in person or online in the UK, to see if

In this article, we will look at the following areas:

1. What is a full stack developer course and what will you learn?

2. The different types of full stack developer courses available in the UK

3. How to choose a full stack developer course

4. How to find the best full stack developer course for you

5. Final thoughts

What is a full stack developer course and what will you learn?

A full stack developer course is a comprehensive training program that teaches you how to become a full stack developer. As a full stack developer, you will be able to work on both the back-end and front-end of a website or application. You will learn how to develop and design websites, create and manage databases, and write code using different programming languages.

In addition to teaching you the basics of web development, a full stack developer course will also give you experience working with different software platforms and tools. This will allow you to build and deploy applications and websites with ease. Full stack developer courses also typically include project work and assignments, so that you can practice what you have learned in a real-world setting.

The different types of full stack developer courses available in the UK

There are several different types of full stack developer courses available in the UK, each of which offers its own unique benefits. Let's take a look at the most common types of full stack developer courses:

1. Bootcamps - Bootcamps are short, intensive courses that teach you everything you need to know about becoming a full stack developer. They usually last for around three months, after which you will be able to build websites from scratch using various programming languages and technologies. Bootcamps are perfect for those who want to quickly learn all the essentials of full stack development. Bootcamps also offer instructor led, classroom settings, offering you a cohort and group of developers you can rely on as your career progresses.

2. Online courses - Online courses are a great option for those who want to learn at their own pace or who cannot attend a physical bootcamp. Online courses typically offer more flexibility than bootcamps, allowing you to learn at your own pace and access materials whenever you want. One of the biggest drawbacks of online courses is the lack of support as you progress, also, we find with a number of our students that they haven't had the motivation to progress when the lack of support puts a blocker in place to their learning.

3. University degrees - If you want to become a full stack developer, it's worth considering studying for a degree in computer science or another relevant field. A university degree will give you in-depth knowledge of web development and other essential technologies. It may also help improve your job prospects once you graduate. A drawback to a University degree is that they don't usually focus on actually teaching programming with a full stack, more the science behind the degree.

How to choose a full stack developer course in the UK

When choosing a full stack developer course, it's important to consider your goals and needs. Here are some things to think about when making your decision:

1. What do you hope to achieve by completing the course? Are you looking for skills that will help you land your first job as a full stack developer? Or do you want to be able to build websites and applications on your own?

2. What is your current level of experience with web development? Do you have any coding experience, or are you a complete beginner?

3. What is your budget for full stack developer courses? Are you willing to invest in a bootcamp or university degree, or are you looking for more affordable options like online courses?

4. How much time can you commit to learning? Bootcamps and online courses typically require full-time attendance, while university degrees can be completed part-time.

5. Do you want to learn in a classroom setting or do you prefer to learn online? Bootcamps and university degrees typically offer face-to-face instruction, while online courses are self-paced.

How to find the best full stack developer course for you

Once you've answered these questions, it's time to start researching different full stack developer courses in the UK. Here are a few tips for finding the right course:

1. Check out different course providers - There are a variety of course providers offering full stack developer courses in the UK, so take the time to compare different providers and find the one that best suits your needs.

2. Read reviews - Reading reviews can be a great way to get an idea of what to expect from a particular full-stack developer course. Be sure to read reviews from both past students and employers and that the full stack course is actually in the UK, not under a brand name that is being used abroad as they will usually have different instructors teaching in different regions.

3. Check out the syllabus - Make sure the syllabus covers all the topics you're interested in learning, such as web development, coding languages, software platforms, and project work. You can check out our MERN stack syllabue on our full stack coding bootcamp page.

4. Talk to past students - Get in touch with past students of the full stack developer course you're considering and ask them about their experience. This can give you valuable insights into what it's like to study at that particular school and what kind of job opportunities are available once you graduate.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right full stack developer course can be daunting, but if you take the time to consider your goals and needs, you'll be able to find the perfect course for you. If you're looking for in-depth knowledge of web development and other essential technologies, then a university degree may be the best option for you. However, if you're a beginner or want to focus on learning programming that will lead to a career in coding quickly, then a bootcamp or online course may be a better choice. Whichever route you choose, be sure to do your research and talk to past students to get an idea of what to expect from the course.

If you would like to find out more about our previous students, you can read about our student Jack who completed a Full Stack Developer Course in person at our Norwich campus, or you can read about Tim who joined our Full Stack Developer Course in the UK all the way from Dubai.

About the Author

James has 8 years with Fortune 200 US firm ITW, experience of managing projects in China, USA, and throughout Europe. James has worked with companies such as Tesco, Vauxhall, ITW, Serco, McDonalds. James has experience in supporting start-up and scale up companies such as Readingmate, Gorilla Juice and Harvest London. James completed his MBA at the University of East Anglia in 2018.

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